We are proud to present selected ANSR clients, along with brief descriptions
of projects that ANSR has performed for each.
Fusion, Inc.
- In 2003, ANSR performed a feasibility study for an ultrasonic shock-driven
approach to achieving fusion in the laboratory.
Los Alamos National
Laboratory (LANL)
- Under a LANL contract (2000 through 2003), ANSR provided Monte
Carlo simulations in support of designing diagnostics for the National
Ignition Facility (NIF).
Impulse Devices,
Inc. (IDI)
- Beginning in November, 1999, ANSR has performed physics theory and simulations
to help assess the feasibility of various concepts for achieving fusion via
sonically driven cavitation. This
research evaluated a wide range of possible approaches and extended through
- Since November, 1997, ANSR, Inc. has provided multimedia authoring and simulations
for several of the tutorials, including "Vectors," "Forces,"
"Motion," and "Cyclotrons." ANSR continues to consult
on additional multimedia projects from time to time, as needed.
Center for Adaptive
Systems Applications, Inc. (CASA)
- In 1999, ANSR, Inc. worked with CASA on development of a C++ "engine"
for an agent-based, socio-economic "Crisis Simulator."
Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory (LLNL)
- In 1995-1998, Dr. Mead consulted with LLNL, testing two different 3-Dimensional
hydrodynamics codes being developed by LLNL scientists.
U. S. Department
of Education (DOEd)
- In 1995-6, ANSR performed an SBIR
Project intended to improve the effectiveness and reduce costs of arithmetic
training for students with Learning Disbilities.
Los Alamos First
United Methodist Church (LAFUMC)
- In 1995, ANSR analyzed LAFUMC's membership and other functional data and
compared the results with demographic trends in Los Alamos.