Phase I Objectives: to show feasibility of NN-based tools for
Special Education, the Phase I project has developed the "core"
or central portion of three NN-based educational tools.
The Phase I project included an extensive
Literature Search to gather information known about
-- teaching arithmetic to students with Learning
Disabilities, and
-- Computer Aided Instruction in arithmetic and
Special Education.
The Phase I project has been guided by
a nationwide and international Virtual Advisory Panel
("VAP") that helped to shape the priorities and nature of the tools being developed.
Here's a schematic of the "Adaptive Teaching and Learning Laboratory"
showing the educational tools developed in Phase I:
The three tools that make up the Adaptive
Teaching and Learning Laboratory are
-- an adaptive arithmetic tutor,
-- a guidance/assessment module, and
-- a NN-based student simulator.
These tools operate together in a program
called "MAN" to simulate arithmetic training
of students with various kinds of learning deficiencies.
"MAN" simulation
examples show some very interesting behavior, and demonstrate the adaptive
tutor's ability to adjust automatically to variations in the (simulated) student's
A few pilot tests by educators and two real LD students were squeezed
into Phase I, thanks to the assistance of some of the VAP members. The
tests are far from definitive, but are encouraging. The tests also
point out how far it is from a research tool to a product!
Phase I has demonstrated the feasibility and usefulness of developing a
NN-based adaptive teaching and learning laboratory. The project has
demonstrated an adaptive tutor, a companion guidance/assessment module,
and a student simulator that operate together to simulate the training
of LD students in arithmetic. Initial experience with usage by
educators and students indicates promise for future applications.
I greatly appreciate the contributions of those who have helped make the
Phase I project a success.
Thanks to the VAP members for their interest
and support throughout Phase I (see Members of the VAP).
Thanks to the U.S. Department of Education for supporting the Phase I
project. Special thanks to the DOEd's agents, Carol B. O'Leary and
Donna M. Hoblit who handled the administration of the project
in a most efficient manner, in spite of government funding upheavals
during the partisan struggle over how and when to balance the US budget.
Thanks also, to Dr. David B. Malouf, the DOEd technical representative
for this project.
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