Phase II Objectives: to further develop and test NN-based tools for
teaching arithmetic to LD students.
Proposed Schedule: October, 1996 through September, 1998
Proposed Phase II Objectives and Tasks:
(planned percentage of total ANSR project
effort is indicated in parentheses after each task)
II.1. Administrate project (5%)
II.2. Update literature/information search (3%)
II.3. Perform "Pilot" research/tests (7%)
II.4. Improve code framework (3%)
II.5. Add users' features (7%)
II.6. Improve guidance/assessment module (2%)
II.7. Port programs to Macintosh (8%)
II.8. Perform "Alpha" research/tests (9%)
II.9. Devise and add concept animations (9%)
II.10. Improve adaptation capabilities (5%)
II.11. Invent and add (simple) game story lines (12%)
II.12. Devise and add memory span test (1%)
II.13. Devise and add audio track (2%)
II.14. Perform "Beta" research/testing (19%)
II.15. Plan and negotiate Phase III (4%)
II.16. Report results (4%)
If you'd like more information on the Phase
II Proposal, please don't hesitate to contact ANSR.
ANSR and Dr. Mead extend thanks to those
who have helped make the Phase II proposal possible, and especially those who
have indicated their interest in participating in the Phase II project, if funded:
Dr. Carol A. Christensen, Ms. Carolyn K. Gardner, Mr. Timothy Pelton, Mr. Ronald
A. Sveen (see the Members of the VAP).
Many thanks to Dr. Brooks Masterton of Ontario, Canada for
his interest in the research and testing program and to his colleagues,
Mrs. J. Richardson, Principal of Goldcrest Public School,
Brampton, Ontario and Mr. Doug A. Beffort, Principal,
Greenbriar Senior Public School, Bramalea, Ontario for their
expressions of interest in the research/testing.
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